About the Emergency Medicine

The Accident and Trauma Care Department (Casualty) at Sunrise Hospital is fully equipped with state-of-the-art lifesaving equipment conforming to international standards. Our dedicated emergency team is constituted of ATLS-trained paramedics and a panel of eminent doctors spanning varied specialities like Trauma surgery, Orthopedics, Maxillofacial surgery, Neurosurgery and Plastic surgery. This team is available round-the-clock and is committed to saving lives.


Advanced Surgical Interventions


Comprehensive Disease Management


Innovative Research and Education

Emergency Medicine Services

Treatment and Procedure

This machine enables us to tackle any form of emergency and is able to accurately detect multiple injuries/illness in just a few minutes.

Our ED has separate triage area. With support of technology and equipments like Ventilator, defibrillator, resuscitation cots and high-end cardiac monitors makes this facility handle any kind of medical emergencies.

Any patient with an unexpected cardiac or respiratory arrest requiring resuscitation and activation of a hospital-wide alert. The management of a code blue involves activating the code as soon as it occurs, sharing clinical information with the team, performing chest compressions, monitoring, and evaluating the code blue process. ( Remark taken from google)

Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Severe Asthma, COPD, Pneumothorax, Shock, Sepsis

Head Injury, Stroke, Seizure, Polytrauma, Road Traffic Accident

Fractures, Sprains, Accidents, Spinal Injuries, Sports Injuries

Acute Abdomen Pain, Bleeding, Gastrointestinal diseases, Acute Kidney Pain / Stone

Poisoning, Toxicology, Burns, Gynaecology Emergency, Paediatric Emergency, Acute Ear, Nose & Throat emergencies


Meet our team

Patient testimonials.

Stories of Success and Healing from Our
Minimally Invasive Surgery Patients.


Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Essential items to bring include identification, insurance information, a list of current medications, and any relevant medical records. Additionally, bring items for comfort such as a phone charger and toiletries if you anticipate a long wait.

Wait times vary depending on the severity of cases and the volume of patients. Patients with life-threatening conditions are prioritized. While we strive to minimize wait times, your patience is appreciated as we provide care to those in need.

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