About the Family Medicine

The Department of Family Medicine focuses into comprehensive medical care for the individuals, families and communities. The department follows an integrated approach that strives to continuously improve the health of patients, thus enhancing the quality for life to the patients. A family medicine specialist manages 80% of the presenting problems in all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity in any health care system. Our expert team of doctors, nurses and ancillary staff provides these services to the needy.




Family Medicine Facilities for All Ages


Your Trusted Health Partner


Personalized Wellness

Family Medicine Services

Treatment and Procedure

Family medicine physicians serve as primary care providers for patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. They offer comprehensive medical care, including routine check-ups, preventive care, diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses and injuries, and management of chronic conditions.

Family medicine physicians provide continuity of care for patients within the hospital setting. They often have long-term relationships with their patients, enabling them to understand their medical history, preferences, and family dynamics, which is invaluable when making diagnoses, treatment decisions, and coordinating care.

Family medicine physicians are responsible for admitting patients to the hospital when necessary. They assess patients' conditions, order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, and collaborate with specialists when needed. They also play a crucial role in coordinating the discharge process, ensuring appropriate follow-up care and facilitating smooth transitions from the hospital to the community.

Family medicine physicians are trained to handle a wide range of acute medical conditions and emergencies. In the hospital, they may be called upon to evaluate and stabilize patients in the emergency department, initiate appropriate treatment, and decide whether further specialty consultations or interventions are necessary.

Family medicine physicians collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as specialists, nurses, pharmacists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive and coordinated care to patients. They contribute to multidisciplinary care teams, actively participate in care planning and case discussions, and ensure that all aspects of a patient's health are considered.

Family medicine physicians prioritize preventive care and health promotion. They emphasize regular screenings, vaccinations, lifestyle modifications, and patient education to help prevent the onset of chronic conditions and maintain overall wellness. In the hospital, they advocate for preventive measures and ensure appropriate interventions are implemented during patients' hospital stays.

Family medicine physicians often play a vital role in providing palliative care and managing end-of-life situations. They focus on alleviating symptoms, addressing emotional and spiritual needs, and supporting patients and their families through difficult decisions, such as advance care planning and end-of-life care options.


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Stories of Success and Healing from Our
Minimally Invasive Surgery Patients.


Frequently Asked Questions Answered

The Department of Family Medicine provides comprehensive primary care services for individuals and families, including preventive care, chronic disease management, acute illness treatment, and mental health support.

Generally, you do not need a referral to see a family medicine provider. They serve as your first point of contact for medical care and can coordinate referrals to specialists if necessary.

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